View Account #1

Credit: 161,595.62 đ

Balance: 4,041.19 đ

Displaying 171691-171720 of 183464 results.
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary221.222.*Salary (34.92 đ) - Penalty (26.30 đ)- 8.62 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary219.220.*Salary (34.92 đ) - Penalty (27.67 đ)- 7.25 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary217.218.*Salary (34.92 đ) - Penalty (5.00 đ)- 29.92 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary208.209.*Sueldo 0.00 đ por falta de reciprocidad.- 0.00 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary191.192.*Sueldo 0.00 đ por falta de reciprocidad.- 0.00 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary185.186.*Sueldo 0.00 đ por falta de reciprocidad.- 0.00 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary116.117.*Salary (34.92 đ) - Penalty (24.85 đ)- 10.07 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary83.84.*Salary (34.92 đ) - Penalty (26.00 đ)- 8.92 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary78.79.*Salary (34.92 đ) - Penalty (4.00 đ)- 30.92 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary68.69.*Salary (34.92 đ) - Penalty (24.53 đ)- 10.39 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary63.64.*Salary (34.92 đ) - Penalty (27.94 đ)- 6.98 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary55.56.*Sueldo 0.00 đ por falta de reciprocidad.- 0.00 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary34.35.*Salary (34.92 đ) - Penalty (10.00 đ)- 24.92 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary19.20.*Salary (34.92 đ) - Penalty (14.00 đ)- 20.92 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary9.10.*Sueldo 0.00 đ por falta de reciprocidad.- 0.00 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary4.5.*Salary (34.92 đ) - Penalty (3.10 đ)- 31.82 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16salary2.3.*Salary (34.92 đ) - Penalty (27.94 đ)- 6.98 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16tax948.949.*Cooperation taxes (10.0% of 8.05 đ)0.81 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16tax947.948.*Cooperation taxes (10.0% of 8.05 đ)0.81 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16tax946.947.*Cooperation taxes (10.0% of 8.05 đ)0.81 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16tax945.946.*Cooperation taxes (10.0% of 8.05 đ)0.81 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16tax944.945.*Cooperation taxes (10.0% of 8.05 đ)0.81 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16tax943.944.*Cooperation taxes (10.0% of 8.05 đ)0.81 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:16tax942.943.*Cooperation taxes (10.0% of 8.05 đ)0.81 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:15tax941.942.*Cooperation taxes (10.0% of 0.00 đ)0.00 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:15tax940.941.*Cooperation taxes (10.0% of 8.05 đ)0.81 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:15tax939.940.*Cooperation taxes (10.0% of 8.05 đ)0.81 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:15tax938.939.*Cooperation taxes (10.0% of 8.05 đ)0.81 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:15tax937.938.*Cooperation taxes (10.0% of 8.05 đ)0.81 đ
View2014-08-01 00:02:15tax936.937.*Cooperation taxes (10.0% of 8.05 đ)0.81 đ

1.1.* holder
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